Friday 12 June 2020


What if?

“Stop annoying me, or I’ll make you get out and walk!” Yelled mum
“She won’t kick me out of the car” I thought to myself. I started whispering to
my brother “Why did the chicken cross the road?”  My brother asked “why?” 
I answered “To get to the other side” he laughed so did I. 
“That’s it!” Mum yelled “Get out!”. The car screeched to a stop.
“But…..” I began 
“No buts!, just get out”
After the car left I sat there. “Man,I messed up” I thought for a moment as time
flew by. Then out of nowhere a guy on a motorbike slowed to a stop next to me.
He said “Need a ride?’ in a deep voice. “Um, Yes please”. “Hop on” He said,
reluctantly I climbed on to the bike and we drove off.
“Where you head’in” he said 
“Can you just keep driving until I see my car?” I asked

I few miles laiter I sore my car
“There it is” I yelled with joy. But something was wrong, instead of slowing down
they sped up. 
“Why are they speeding up?” I asked
“I was just about to ask you the same thing” said the biker man
So we sped up to catch up but they kept going faster, the chase was on
I tried to wave to them but they couldn’t see me.
“You have to jump” yelled the biker man 
“What?” I said confused, did he actually expect me to jump to my car.
“You have to jump” he repeated
“Are you crazy?” I said “what if i miss?, I’ll become a pancake”
“It’s a leap of faith” He said  “just do it!”
“Ok” I said, shaking.

So I stood up on the seat. “On three,ready?’ I nodded. 
“One….Two…..THREE!”he yelled
I jumped then….Nothing, wait? No road,no car,no bike and no sound just black,
black and did i mention Black then i heard a faint voice “Get out of bed” it said. Then I
opened my eyes. It was really bright and the voice was louder now “Get out of
bed now!” It was mum she was angry. The whole thing was a dream

week 4 math whizz

Fair Chocolate Vocabulary Builder