Friday 18 October 2019

Geography - Rugby Quarter finals 2019

WALT: Research 8 Countries that went to the Quarter finals. The task was easy. 

Today we Researched about the 8 team that went to the Quarter Finals this year. 
What we had to do was find out the population of there country, there country, the team name, the captain of the team and the highest point. Here is my work

Wednesday 16 October 2019


Inspirational Pedagogy

W.A.L.T: Retell a Personal event in the holiday.
Success Criteria:
  •  I will use organization to get more and more points I am going for
  • a rubric 5 or 6 

The Great Day

It was bright outside. I could hear birds chirping, cats meowing, and a dog barking when suddenly my dad burst into the room, “it's time to get ready to go fishing” he announced. “Mmm” I moaned, but I got out of bed anyway. 
We got in the car we were ready to drive.  We stopped at my aunts to pick up our cousin because there was no room in the other car for him. After he got in, we were off again…

It was a really lifeless ride on the way but in the end it would be worth it. The first thing we did was run to the hill Me Tyrone(My Brother),Henry (My Cousin),Abbey (My Sister) And Heaven (My other cousin) Once we got to the top the view was awesome we could Cars, Houses, seagulls, and waves.  

After a while we started to get bored so we played a game called “monster” (guess why) It’s like tag only we were in the sand. It was fun,tiring and made me hungry. “Hey tyrone what is the longest word in the dictionary,” I said with a grin, “what” he replied “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis” I said
“What” He said confused I laugh and said “never mind”
So after that we asked our dad “are we finished yet” he said “yeah lets go” and we left.